Kale me CRAZY!

So why is kale getting so much attention nowadays? In fact, several years ago kale use to be used as just a garnish underneath sandwiches on a hidden platter. Fast forward, now kale is on high demand and people cannot get enough! It is often used mostly in smoothies and massaged salads. Wait, massaged?? I will get to that shortly. Kale has a few family members and they are; Lacinato Kale aka Dino Kale, or Tuscan Kale, Ornamental Kale, Red Russian Kale, Chinese Kale, Baby Kale, Siberian Kale and Redbor Kale. The most frequent bought kale are; Tuscan, Curly and Red. The most rough kale is your Tuscan ( MY FAVE). Some are more bitter or spicy than others which is why it is important how you prepare your kale.

Benefits of Kale:

Packed with protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants. Plus it has more vitamin C than any other leafy green! Kale keeps you full because of its fibrous attributes.

If growing your own kale, you will have it until late October into November, depending where you live. I am in the midwest and it does a very well job at surviving the cold! Such a hearty green!

Because kale is SO hearty, you can make a dressing and toss it into the salad and store for several days. In fact, I personally like to do this method most because it helps break down the kale a but more a day or two later allowing it to be better digested.

Best Ways to Prepare your Kale

Braising: You know how spinach pretty much wilts to a Tablespoon after you cook it, kale doesn’t wilt like spinach does which is great because it will keep you full!

Massaging: Massage the heck out of your kale! First, take a bite out of your kale before you massage it, then take another bite after you massage it. You can taste a significant difference on the bitterness scale. Here’s my method of massaging;

  1. Remove the stem from the kale

  2. Rinse kale really well in the sink filled with water and a small amount of vinegar. This will ensure there will be no parasites on your leaves.

  3. Finely chop you kale in shreds.

  4. Transfer all your kale to a large bowl and drizzle with a small amount of olive oil, dash of Celtic salt and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  5. Massage liberally with your hands. From here, you can eat your kale just like this with added veggies on top or make a dressing and even store with dressing on the kale if not eating immediately.


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